Siraj Sikder's murder of Humayun Kabir:The Internal Chaos within Sorbohara

Jan 18, 2025

Siraj Sikder in Bangladesh history is regarded as a revolutionary leader by some, a terrorist by others. One fact that is universally true is that he was one of the greatest resistances against the Mujib regime. However, Sorbohara internally, as a force, was embroiled in chaos, and that is one of the reasons their revolution wasn't successful. While Siraj Sikder was a good revolutionary, writer, and voice against the Mujib regime and a good theorist, his handling of interpersonal relations with other members would become his downfall.

The most famous incident regarding the chaos inside Sorbohara was the orchestrated murder of Humayun Kabir.

Who was Humayun Kabir?

Humayun Kabir was a poet who previously belonged to the Maoist wing of Chatro Union’s central committee. Siraj Sikder also belonged to the same committee. Humayun Kabir was a student of DU. He had a younger brother, Firoze Kabir, who was involved in Sorbohara party’s politics. His younger sister Choi also got involved in Sorbohara politics and was married to another Sorbohara member called Selim Shahnewaz. Thus, Humayun’s entire family got involved in leftist politics back then. This family, however, would have a tragic fate due to their involvement in Sorbohara eventually.

Tragedy strikes Firoze Kabir

Firoze Kabir worked alongside Selim and Chobi during the liberation war in fighting against Pakistani armed forces in Peyarabagan, Barisal. They were part of Siraj Sikder’s liberation force, who were fighting against the Pakistani armed forces in the 1971 Liberation War. Siraj Sikder and Firoze Kabir, however, eventually would have an argument, and that would lead to Sorbohara abandoning Firoze altogether; Firoze, thus without any comrades by his side, would be captured by Pakistani forces and would be killed by them.

Humayun Kabir wrote a poem in honour of his dead brother titled “Sahosh Sahosh” in honour of his brother’s bravery in the war and his eventual sacrifice in the battle in Peyarbagan. The poem was also dedicated to other Peyarabagan martyrs as well.

Growing animosity between Siraj Sikder and Humayun Kabir

Siraj Sikder started to doubt Humayun Kabir because of him showing sympathy for an exiled past member. In Siraj’s eyes, loyalty came to the party first, not interpersonal relationships or family. Humayun’s brother-in-law Selim would also eventually be kicked out of Sorbohara for attempting to conspire against the party. Humayun decided to give shelter to Selim when Selim came to Dhaka. This made Siraj see Humayun as a traitor to the Sorbohara cause, and he started seeing Humayun as a co-conspirator. Thus, a death order was set on Humayun Kabir by Siraj Sikder.

Why did Sorboharas hate Selim?

Sorbohara had their own set of ethics and codes. In their eyes, a party member celebrating their marriage through a wedding party or anything like that was seen as a bourgeois lifestyle choice. Both Selim and Chobi thus were seen as celebrating a bourgeois lifestyle. Siraj was being seen as a hypocrite regarding these matters as he married a second wife after leaving his first. Selim’s group and faction in Sorbohara were seen as opportunist by Siraj as well, so the central committee oftentimes portrayed Selim as a man who joined Sorbohara for material advantages. This would set the stage for them targeting him. This was not just a Sorbohara practice only, but Maoist organisations in general tended to have such beliefs.

The Killing of Humayun Kabir

According to Sultana Reba’s testimony, Humayun Kabir was shot in a field by two assailants who came to the scene with a cycle. Humayun Kabir was actually called by a person who knew him to a field to discuss something; however, after going there, he realised he had fallen into a trap, and they actually planned to shoot him. He was pronounced dead after being taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Ahmed Sofa was a family friend of Sultana Reba; he also came to the hospital to see Humayun Kabir’s condition.

Selim was also killed three days later. Selim was killed after he was called to Barisal. Humayun’s sister was on the kill list, but she survived.

Humayun Kabir’s death shocked a lot of Sorbohara members as well since his love for the party and their cause was evident in his poetry as well. He was also well connected with a lot of people in Barishal. The party’s internal consensus was that it was probably done by some rogue Sorbohara members. The Sorbohara Party central committee, however, released a statement where they justified Humayun Kabir being killed, accusing him of betraying the party by leading a bourgeois life, having a wife and children, a stable job, etc. They accused him of betraying the revolutionary lifestyle, and also, in their eyes, the final nail in the coffin was sheltering Selim.

Reactions to the Killing
The killing of Humayun Kabir shocked the people around him because they couldn't understand why a party would kill a member instead of just making them resign if they didn't want him around. From the Sorbohara perspective, if anyone betrayed the party, they betrayed a creed in their eyes. If one conspired against the party, they had to be purged. This was the thinking.

People were even shocked. Why was Humayun even being accused of leading a bourgeois lifestyle? He and Rebu, according to the Worker Farmer’s Socialist Party leader and Reporter’s Union head Nirmul Sen, used to lead a very poor lifestyle and didn't enjoy luxuries much as they struggled to meet needs.

Government Reaction

Afterwards, Nirmul Sen went to Mujib’s house in Gonobhaban alongside Sultana Rebu and Rafikullah. Nirmul Sen ended up demanding money from Mujib for money as compensation since such an attack happened during his reime and he wasn't doing anything about it. Mujib, while laughing it out at first, asking mockingly if Humayun Kabir was a freedom fighter, eventually signed the check.

Later on, the Lekhok Shibir organisation, of which Ahmed Sofa was part, went to Gonobhobon and demanded an official government apology and mourning. A condemnation letter mourning Humayun Kabir by Sheikh Mujib was published in the June 10 version of Daily Purbadesh.


The killing of Humayun Kabir and Selim set up a pattern of killing members who disagreed with party lines or tried to be dissidents. Sorbohara are banned today, but this continues in their underground circles to this day as well. Siraj as a person raised a lot of valuable criticisms against Mujib and was an armed resistance towards him that was needed at the time; however, the strict ethos of his party eventually cost him allies and led the movement to fracture from within. At the end, all the revolutionaries we fanboy over have flaws, especially ideological revolutionaries. Maoists in general tend to be in favour of purges like these, as we have seen in China and with Naxalites. Whether it's right or wrong is up to the reader to decide.

1) সিরাজ সিকদার রচনা সমগ্র, শ্রাবণ প্রকাশনী

2) বাংলাদেশ ১৯৭১, তৃতীয় খণ্ড, মাওলা ব্রাদার্স

3) কথ্য ইতিহাস, মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণাকেন্দ্র


5)লাল সন্ত্রাস by Mohiuddin Ahmed